We accept returns of items in perfect condition that are shipped back to us within 14 days of delivery date. We cannot accept returned items that are not in their original condition, nor returns for customized items. Additionally, items marked FINAL SALE are not eligible for returns.
If you choose to make a return, please email with your full name, order number, and reason for return. We encourage our customers to complete the return order form to have a more efficient return process.
Please note that customers are responsible for their own return shipping fees and shipping carrier charges are non-refundable.
International orders are final sale.
International orders cannot be returned or exchanged.Â
Personalized, fine, custom-designed jewelry and items on sale are final sale and are not eligible for exchanges or refunds. Â
We do not process exchanges. To return an item and receive another, please return the original under our standard returns policy and complete a new order through our website.